Saturday 26 January 2013

Out of the mouths of babes...

Me: I need to do some work sweetie, whilst daddy clears snow from the front door, up the drive, up the steps and around to the front door of the church, so mummy can get to the 8am service tomorrow morning...
Wee man: Mummy, we watch telebision peese
Me: Why don't you bring something into my study to play with whilst I work?

[Wee man disappears into living room - returns with pot of crayons, disappears again, returns with his little stool, disappears again, returns with his drink, sets up said items at a small table in my study...

Me: what are you doing baby?
Wee man: I need paper, I working at my desk, I very busy

There's so much to think is very sweet - there's so much wrong with this too...

1 comment:

  1. At least he could 'work' in the company of his mummy (and it's not like he never gets your attention ). Children need to learn a certain amount of independence as well as enjoying mummy and daddy time. I am in no doubt that you have had/will have many conversation to make sure you get the balance right :)
